Impatience and Nails

My nail polish experimentation hasn’t gone very well recently. I am just too impatient to wait for each layer of nail polish to dry. I mess them up less than five minutes after I complete them and they look sloppy. Soooo I’ve been trying to have some patience. If you have this problem read below!

Three Steps in Patience while Painting Nails

  • Put on music while painting your nails. It certainly helps me relax and wait for each layer to dry if I can just listen to music while waiting
  • I use to completely paint one hand (the nails on one hand;) and design them and then go on to the next hand. I’ve started just painting a layer on one hand and then moving to the next hand. It gives the polish time to dry on the first hand so when you come back to it, you don’t have to wait FOREVER!
  • I paint the white base coat before I’ve completely decided what I want to do. Then I can go on Pinterest and see what I like. I find a design and my nails are ready to be designed!


Here’s my recent nail designs…

DSCN1104 DSCN1060


They are messy(i) but I like the design. I’ve started using acrylic paint and I LOVE IT!!! It is wonderful:)))

That’s All I have to say,

Love Lizzie A. xoxo

P.S Does pool water peel off anyone else’s paint? My paint completely peels off :/

Mom’s Schedule

Mom’s Schedule


I use blogs like crazy! So many mom blogs out there have terrific recipes, DIY ideas, home school notes, organization tips, etc… And, I always go to the about me page to learn more about the blogger. To me, finding out how other moms run their home and schedule their time, keeps me optimistic about running mine.


Because we move often we deal with changes frequently. Everything is different~ the house, shopping, friends, extra curricular activities available, church, even weather. We have evacuated for two hurricanes, been in an ice storm, took safety from tornadoes multiple times and even lived in Japan during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Every time we move, my husband’s schedule also changes. Some places, he is away more than he is home, others he is only seen by the kids late at night and there are the schedules that rotate every two weeks. My goal as a stay home mom is to keep a constant schedule that varies little day to day for the kids. By having this schedule in place, the kids have a foundation. They know what is expected of them, they know where mom is and we have the feeling of “home” no matter where we live. I have learned over the years to be flexible and not let the schedule rule our lives, but to be our guide.

So, I’ve let you know all of this, because obviously my schedule is suited for my family. I wear workout clothes Monday – Thursday, this is my uniform. Therefore my schedule may be very different from yours and I’m just posting mine to show how we tailor it to our needs. And encourage other moms with like situations to find their sweet spot, try not to stress and just make life work for you and not against you!


6am-7:30-Wake up, dressed, prayer, Bible then clean face and put up hair

7:30- 8:00- Breakfast made

8:00 – 9:00- Kids up, chores done and eat breakfast

9:00 – 9:50- Big kids school, Mom and little ones outside / mom Pilates ~ kids play


10:00 – 10:50- Mom school with little ones

Break ~ eat some fruit or have a smoothie

11:00 – 11:50- Mom chores, little ones play in room or help with chores


12:00 – 12:45- Mom prepares lunch and little ones help or craft / color in kitchen area

12:45 – 1:15 -Lunch, kids watch video, mom reads

1:15 – 3:00 -Finish school, Mom and little ones play time, yoga, extra chores, writing

3:00 – 4:00- Mom on treadmill, little ones read / play safe distance from treadmill

4:00 – 5:00- Mom cooks dinner while all kids have free time

6:00 – 7:00- Mom clean kitchen, with big kid help

8:00 – 9:30- Showers and bed times

9:30 – 10:00- Mom and Dad time to relax, then off to bed!


I run errands only once a week, after lunch. We also have soccer nights and my hubby and I take turns picking up and dropping off kids. When we have game nights, we pack dinner, blanket and chairs to take to the game.

How Different is your schedule? Tell me in the comments!

Stephanie A.

Left-Handed Problems


So I was trying to open a can of baked beans when I met one of my worst enemies…


This tool is cruelly made for right-handed people, and as I’m part of the ten percent that uses their left, cannot use it correctly. I peel off the wrapper, shred the metal, and manage to take off the entire top…Here’s the photographic evidence



Some call it luck, some call it skill, I call it the lefty curse…


What else bugs a Lefty? Let me tell you….

  • Scissors, evil things they are. I am awful at cutting paper and right-handed scissors are the reason why!
  • Three Ring Binders, Spiral Notebooks, and Rulers! Ugh, don’t even get me started on these horrible things!
  • Measuring Cups. I feel like a yoga teacher trying to twist my arm around to read the cups…
  • People asking, “Are you left-handed?” when I’m obviously using my left hand
  • Smudges on your right hand when writing or drawing
  • Computer Mouses (You can change to left hand settings though)
  • Number key pad is on the right side of keyboard
  • Trying to open a bag and the seal is folded to the left. Seriously annoys me!
  • Elbowing people when you’re eating ’cause they put you one the inside
  • Kindle app page turning is horrible….
  • People saying I’m going to die earlier


  • You are rare!
  • No one expects a soccer player to kick with their left foot
  • That goes for all sports, left-handedness is helpful to offense or defense:)
  • Supposedly we’re smarter

And we are awesome! Left-Handers Unite!